Exam Protocol

Written Exams
1. All backpacks, bags and coats must be left at the front of the room.

2. Cell phones must be turned off and left in your backpack, bag or coat at the front of the room.

3. You are permitted to have pencils, erasers and a non-communicating calculator.

4. You are NOT permitted to bring scrap paper or a formula sheet, they will be provided.

5. Sealed drink containers and ear plugs (not earphones) are acceptable.

6. Turn in all formula sheets and scrap paper with your exam.

7. If you have a question or need anything, raise your hand and the instructor will assist you.  Do not communicate with other students.

8. Keep your exam and formula sheet in front of you.  Try to keep them out of the view of students around you.

9. You may be asked to change seats if the instructor has any concerns that you might be trying to communicate with students around you.

Excel Exams
1. Look under your table and make sure that all the cords are securely plugged in.

2. Save frequently and Save As a new file regularly (v1, v2, ...) .  Submit all of your files to Moodle.

3. When the exam begins, open the Excel file on Moodle with the data, then immediately Save As to a USB, OneDrive or desktop and change the name of your file to Exam 1 - lastname (use your own last name).

4. Exam is open-book, which means you may access your notes, lab files, laptop, internet, Moodle, etc. Please use headphones or earphones if you are watching a video with sound.

5. Students must not communicate with other students.  If you have a question or problem please raise your hand and I will help you.

6. You must use Excel on the desktop computer to complete the exam, so that your activities can be monitored using the lab supervision software.

7. Do not use your email, phone or any other app/device that allows communication.

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